Dobra Polska Szkola Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to enriching, supporting and promoting polish schools in United States.
Polish Schools are important base of a strong polish community in US. They are raising in the youngest Poles generations born in United States the knowledge of their roots, history, culture and tradition of their parents country – Poland, and also the knowledge of polish people involvement in creation of United States of America. The Dobra Polska Szkola Foundation wants to help polish schools in United States to gain above purposes. The activities of the Foundation is directed to polish language schools in US and don’t involve any activities connected with school education program.
The mission of the Dobra Polska Szkola Foundation is to create bigger awareness in polish society in USA of the importance their polish education and create financial support for polish language weekends schools. Important part of the activity of The Foundation is to create communication platform for the polish teachers, parents, students, education professionals and media.
And also spreading better knowledge about polish involvement in creating the United Stated of America (which is not limited only to generally known Kosciuszko and Pulaski) in general society.
Foundation would like to develop strong voice about this subject in polish media in US by following activities:
– Creating stable connections with polish media journalists in newspapers, radio, TV and websides.
– Organizing culture events (shows, performances, concerts) in polish language, both at the schools and public places.
– Raising funds through individual or business donations and fundraising events.
– Helping polish schools to organize school’s libraries with polish books and create school’s internet websides.